Answers (FaQ)

Here is where you can find out the answers to the most important common questions about MQO Game and related features more quickly and easy to access, if you have a question feel free to ask using the chat or submit a ticket here.

Who is the creator of Math Quiz Online?

Math Quiz Online was created by the GitHub user called TriHydera back in 2020 before and during lockdown, and still is.

When does Math Quiz Online get updates?

Updates will be based on how big the update is and speed of development, updates will be on the website and Facebook.

How do you earn points in Math Quiz Online?

You earn points by answering the sums correctly and you get more points based on the difficulty level that you selected (x-easy to easy has addition, normal has takeaway, hard to z-hard has timestables).

What’s Math Quiz Online also known as?

MQO Game is another name for Math Quiz Online.

Is there a score target in Math Quiz Online?

You can choose your target score from the menu from 20 to 100 points as your target.

What types of sums are in Math Quiz Online?

The game has multiple types of sums including addition, takeaway and time tables, and the types are based on your difficulty selection.

Does Math Quiz Online give you a certificate?

Yes, you will get an end screen which you can print off (Ctrl+P) and keep on paper to show your achievements.

How can you contact Math Quiz Online?

Yes, you can ether send a message on the Facebook page, on the contact form.

Is Math Quiz Online safe for schools?

Yes, its a free educational math game – so its fully safe for schools.

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